Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel




Photograph: Anna Corinna Hummel



William Shakespeare: Seine Zeit - Sein Leben - Sein Werk.

Sein oder Nicht-Sein
Zum Geburts- und Todestag von Shakespeare

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William Shakespeare. Seine Zeit – Sein Leben – Sein Werk

William Shakespeare: Seine Zeit - Sein Leben - Sein Werk.

William Shakespeare

450. Geburtstag 2014 - 450th birthday
400. Todestag 2016 - 400th day of death


Shakespeares Menschenbild noch heute populär
Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel im Gespräch mit Christoph Heinemann
Audio       Text

William Shakespeare: Tagesschau Bildarchiv

Bericht über das digitale ‚Shakespeare-Bildarchiv Oppel-Hammerschmidt‘
an der Universitätsbibliothek Mainz in den ‚Tagesthemen‘


Wussten Sie schon, dass Shakespeares Totenmaske in Darmstadt zu sehen ist?
Kulturportal Hessen

William Shakespeare: Seine Zeit - Sein Leben - Sein Werk.

[Diese] aufwändige Bildbiographie hat es innerhalb weniger Wochen
zu einem der absoluten Standardwerke über Person und Werk
William Shakespeares geschafft.
Just a few weeks after its publication, … [this] richly illustrated Shakespeare biography
...is already one of the major standard works on Shakespeare the man and his writings.

  Art Quarterly (Vienna).   # 1  # 2   full text:  English   German

Prof. Hammerschmidt-Hummel’s study … reads like a mystery story. What indeed makes it gripping, is the fact that the author … moves from one nested hypothesis to the next, to explain biographical events as well as features of the works, which had been hitherto incomprehensible. The hard evidence she presents in the form of historical documentation supports each of the hypotheses
most convincingly.

Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, Science Correspondent, Symbolism. A New International Annual of Critical Aesthetics (New York)

William Shakespeare: Seine Zeit - Sein Leben - Sein Werk. In this biography on Shakespeare on a scholarly basis the reader will find everything he always wanted to know about Shakespeare and of which he believed that no one would ever find out about. … This pictorially and lexically very well equipped work … is an absolute must.
Prof. Kurt Otten, Anglistik – International Journal of English Studies

… a fascinating account of Shakespeare’s life and times, when religion was the central issue.
Prof. Peter Milward, Renaissance Bulletin (Tokyo)

This book has all the full-colour visual panache of a coffee-table book and all the solid gravitas
of exceptional scholarship.

Joseph Pearce, Associate Professor of Literature and Editor-in-Chief of Sapientia Press
… a brilliant academic study …, an outstanding achievement, it is ground-breaking
and brings into sharper focus one of the world’s greatest poets.

Dr Paul Doherty, Headmaster, Trinity School, London

Professor Hammerschmidt-Hummel’s elegantly produced volume will surely stand
as the definitive work which solves many of the mysteries surrounding the few images
of Shakespeare that we possess.

Prof. Michael Patterson, Theatre Research International

… a true life tale of literary detection that outshines fictional mysteries,
however well written they may be. -
'Uncover his [Shakespeare’s] face'
calmgrove. Exploring the world of ideas through books    # 1    # 2
Die Publikation stellt eine als vorbildlich zu bezeichnende Dokumentation dar
und wird sich zweifellos als Standardwerk bewähren.

Bernhard Geil, Journal für Kunstgeschichte

… again German scholarship has made a hugely significant contribution to Shakespeare.
Prof. Michael Patterson, Theatre Research International

... der Ertrag ist eine Augenlust. ... Mit jeder Seite, die wir aufschlagen, erwacht eine Geschichtenwelt zu wundersamem Eigenleben.
Prof. Tobias Döring, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

'Die Shakespeare-Illustration' is a great work and a rare achievement of intelligence
and devotion to Shakespeare.

Prof. Kurt Otten, Symbolism. An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics (New York)




Shakespeares GeliebteUraufführung: Frankfurt am Main (2010) Gruppenbild der Schauspieler Regisseur Thorsten Morawietz als Narrator Shakespeare (Julian König) und seine Dark Lady (Sarah Kortmann)
Copyright: Hildegard Hammerschmidt-Hummel